All products + 8%
All Rockfon® Tiles, Islands, Baffles and Wall Panels + 10%
All Rockfon® Grids & Accessories + 12%
All Rockfon® Tiles, Islands, Baffles and Wall Panels + 12%
OWA Tecta metal ceilings – 8.5%
OWA T- Grids and suspension systems – 9.5%
Kingspan Therma & Ecotherm PIR Insulation Range +10%
Kooltherm TI/HVAC + 6.00%
Kingspan Optim-R Range + 15%
Kingspan Kooltherm + 5%
Full product range + 12%
Full ‘PIR’ & Phenolic ‘Safe-R’ Product Range + 10%
Polterm Max Plus + 18%
Cladding Products + 14.5%
Spacesaver Products + 14.5%
All other Structural Products +13%
Pipe Sections + 9.5%
Ultimate + 3%
Climcover Range + 3%
Alreflex Platinum + 8%
Alreflex Full Fill + 8%
Alreflex RC Board + 8%
Thermal Economics Platinum Ground Floor Insulation + 8%
Wall Ties & Clips + 10%
IsoEdge Product Range + 1.25%
IsoRubber Product Range + 1.25%
Claymaster + 8.5%
EPS70 + 12.5%
EPS100 + 100.5
EPS150 + 11%
Full Product Range + 4%