Why Our BGA Membership Matters

At Galaxy Insulation and Dry Lining, our commitment to excellence and innovation is at the core of everything we do. As part of our ongoing mission to provide the highest quality of services and products, we are thrilled to announce our membership with the British Geomembrane Association (BGA). 

What is the BGA?

The British Geomembrane Association (BGA) is the trade association of specialist geomembrane manufacturers and installers operating in the UK and Ireland. They also promote high standards within the geomembrane industry through their comprehensive training and support services. 

By collaborating with government departments and other professional bodies, the BGA sets standards for our industry and gives valuable resources to its members so they can be recognised as the very best providers of geomembrane services. 

Huge benefits for our customers now we've become a member of the BGA:

Access to the Latest Cutting-Edge Information 

Our membership with the BGA means that our technical team stays up to date with the latest advancements and the very best practices in the geomembrane and construction industry. This means we can use this knowledge to create effective and innovative solutions for you!


Enhancing the Industry with our technical expertise

As a distributor with a specialist technical services team, our membership with the BGA means we can support and enhance the industry with our technical expertise and specialist knowledge. We can also refer you, our customers, to become members so you can benefit from their training and shared expertise as installers in the sector.


It Will Give us great Networking Opportunities 

Thanks to the BGA, we are connected with an array of industry leaders, experts and other professionals in the industry. This will lead to both collaborations and partnerships. Thanks to the wealth of knowledge these experts provide, we'll be able to use this to drive our business forward.


We have the highest Industry Standards and Compliance 

The BGA promotes the highest industry standards and practices, which means we do too. We want you to have peace of mind knowing we give you reliable and quality service for your projects. 

By joining the British Geomembrane Association, we are proud to lead the way as a distributor with impartial technical services. We are the first in our industry to join manufacturers and installers together, along with other experts across the geomembrane and ground gas industry. 

Our BGA Membership means we continue to lead in quality and innovation, leaving you satisfied with our results.



We can supply leading brands such as JUTA, or our Technical Services Manager , Justine, can help you directly with your ground gas specifications and your other geomembrane requirements at justinegray@galaxyinsulation.co.uk.

To see the benefits of our BGA membership, contact us through our technical services today for expert information on your upcoming construction projects. 

Don’t forget to check out Galaxy Insulation and Dry Lining for our full range of services and products to suit your projects. We stock leading brands like Rockwool, OWA and Celotex so you know you’ll get quality materials from us. 

Why Our BGA Membership Matters
By: Dana Mitchell
Aug 20 2024

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