Team Comments

We believe that employee ownership is the right thing for our company and to take us into the future. It will be an evolving process as it is new to all of us and together, as partners, we will work hard to ensure that it is successful and rewarding. We are a formidable team of people, we have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience and we all share a passion for the business. We all need to be the best we can be and continue to be Brave and Confident in selling our products, we are the best in the industry and we can offer our customers a second-to-none service.

We value your comments and feedback, so please use this page to share your thoughts, ideas and improvements. Our team will regularly review your comments and these will be displayed on this page once it has been approved.

Please note, this page is for Galaxy staff only and links/passwords should not be shared with anyone else.

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